Hi there, thank you for your inquiry, yes the Maxi Cosi capsule is suitable for use with the Mini GT2 with the adapters: BJ1891: https://www.babyonthemove.co.nz/products/on-the-move/single-buggies/single-car-seat-adaptors/baby-jogger-car-seat-adapter-maxi-cosi-for-mini-2-mini-gt-2-and-elite-2/. I hope this helps
Product Question
- previous post: Hi there, do you offer rental services for car seats? In particular I am looking for a capsule (for a five month old) I can use for a month as a car seat as well as separate unit. Please advice me on how to do this on your website. Thank you.
- next post: Hi there, does this come with any accessories such as newborn insert and rain cover? Thanks
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