Hi Jay, Thank you for your enquiry. This range of Diono car seats all vary in width dimensions. As per the specifcations listed the widths of these are as follows: Radian RXT outside width – 43.2cm, Olympia exterior shoulder width – 45.72cm, Camria Booster Seat width – 49.5cm and Rainiertop width – 45.72cm. Therefore this would indicate that the Diono Radian RXT is the narrowest of this range. However, before selecting a child restraint, it is important to take into account the child’s weight, height and age, any physical, developmental and behavioural considerations, the type of restraint and vehicle. If you follow the link https://www.babyonthemove.co.nz/store-locations/ this will take you our online store finder where you can find your nearest Baby On The Move store. Here, one of our expert Car Restraint Technicians can assist you in finding the right restraint for you and your child. We hope this has helped with your query.
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