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Preparing a hospital bag for mum and baby can be pretty daunting, especially if you have never done it before. This is a time when those around you are only too happy to help so don’t worry too much if you forget something. There are also no expectations on you to look your best so think holiday mode. Bathrobes and pyjamas are acceptable and a great option for comfort.

Make sure you have a capsule to bring baby home in and make sure it fits in your car. I know it sounds obvious enough but it is often overlooked or is found to not fit in the car when mums in labour.

Check out the comprehensive list below or/and DOWNLOAD it as a checklist right here ▼

• Comfortable baggy top and track pants.
• A jacket, jersey or cardigan and a pair of woolly socks as it is common for woman to feel cold during established labor.
• Hair ties to keep your hair off your face.
• Toiletry bag with toothbrush and toothpaste, Shampoo, conditioner.
• Face cloth.
• Lip balm as you will find your lips get quite chapped.
• Massage oil (needs to be unscented as baby needs to be able to recognise mums smell).
• Snacks for you and your labour support, think high energy (nuts, muesli bars, Bananas, dried fruit, dark choc, granola).
• Drinks for both you and your birthing partner (water, tea and coffee are usually supplied).
• IPod, Ipad, books, e books or magazines for early labor, you may find you have a long wait at the hospital especially if you are induced.
• A camera, make sure this is charged and you have a spare battery, also ensure you have your charger.
• IPod and docking station if you have one.
• Ural to take before or after baby’s born as it helps reduce the burning or stinging making toileting much more comfortable in the early days after baby is born.
• Large size maternity pads ( the hospital usually supply these but take your own as a precaution).
• Mobile phone.

• Two or three nighties or pyjamas even if you intend to return home quickly as you may decide to stay in longer for various reasons.
• Slippers and socks.
• A bathrobe so you can wander around the ward, a lightweight one will be enough as the temperatures in the maternity ward will be warm to help your baby adjust to life outside the womb.
• Two or three nursing bras or singlet’s.
• Two boxes of disposable breast pads.
• Put in plenty of pairs of underwear, black is the best colour to limit staining or alternatively there are disposable maternity briefs available.
• A couple of packets of Maternity pads, if the hospital supply them use theirs first but you may need more than they supply.
• Pack Ural and have some in your labor bag to take before you or after birth as it makes toileting much more comfortable in the early days after baby is born.
• Your usual overnight Toiletries including toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo & conditioner, body wash, deodorant, hairbrush, hair bands, make up and nipple cream.
• Pack face cream, hand cream and moisturisers as you will find the atmosphere will be warm and dry in the maternity ward.
• Think about packing a hair dryer for drying stitches etc.
• If you wear glasses or contacts take them along as you will have forms to fill out and hopefully time to relax and read.
• Although the hospital will provide Flannels and towels, pack your own if you want soft fluffy ones.
• Comfortable casual clothes, bear in mind that you will be sore so loose fitting clothes are suggested.
• A couple of rolls of soft toilet paper or flushable wipes are a good idea as you will be tender.
• A Laundry bag or plastic bags for your dirty clothes, you can ask a visitor will be happy to take them away and wash them for you.
• Any medications you are currently taking and any Multi-Vitamins you’ve been taking as you will use a lot of energy birthing and recovering.
• Extra snacks, although there is food available on the wards you will find you have a significantly increased appetite!

• Shorts or togs and a change of clothes. They can then join you in the birthing pool or assist you with showering after baby’s born.
• A change of clothes – that way they can freshen up and change if needed as they may need to be there for a while.
• Toothpaste and toothbrush.
• A copy of your birth plan.
• Mobile phone and charger.
• Your contact list for him to send a text informing of baby’s arrival, alternatively set up the group text in his phone.
• Dependant on your hospital facilities, change maybe required for vending machine, phones and parking.
• Camera, video camera and charger.
• Books, newspapers etc for reading during a long labour.
• Snacks, you may not be hungry throughout but it’s handy to have!

• Ensure you have an infant car seat that you have tested in your car to take baby home in.
• Baby clothes and a blanket to take your baby home in.
• Socks and hats as baby will feel cold while adjusting to life outside the womb.
• 3-4 singlet’s, the hospital normally provide these but pack them just in case.
• 2 body suits.
• Disposable or reusable Newborn nappies, alternatively if you are going to use the hospitals cloth nappies pack some snappi nappy fasteners.
• Natural baby wipes.
• Baby massage oil for putting on baby’s bottom will make the first few meconium nappy changes easier.

Here are some essential items for bathing time with your baby:

• A soap free baby wash specifically for babies.
• A ‘no more tears’ baby shampoo.
• Baby moisturiser for those dry times.
• Nappy rash cream.


For the older brother or sister, it’s a good idea to have a gift ready from ‘the new baby’ which helps the transition of a new arrival into your family.


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